Sustainability and environmental impact are an integral part of our design process. We encourage our clients to explore new and exciting technologies, and building techniques to try and minimise their house's carbon footprint, but most importantly to minimise the ongoing costs of running their house, or developments.
The ever-increasing costs of utilities are putting a strain on the household economy, and also on the existing utility grids, by incorporating innovative materials, and systems we can reduce these ongoing costs for our clients. We have access to state of the art systems and materials, and also consult with industry leaders to ensure that your design will be both energy and financially efficient.
In the design process, we also consider the health benefits of alternate heating and cooling solutions to minimise dust and allergens that can spread through standard systems. We aim to provide healthy, happy efficient designs, and advise our clients on all possibilities to achieve this.
What is a Passive House
A passive house combines a high comfort level, healthy environment with very low energy consumption. The key elements that combine to create a passive house are high performing windows/glazing, good insulation, heat exchange systems, and of course intelligent design. Every Passive house that is created, is an active contribution to climate protection and conservation. A passive house does not need to appear different from traditional housing as “Passive house relates to a standard to adhere to, rather than a construction technique.”
What you get with a passive House
· Minimal to no house running costs.
· Increased potential property sale, due to minimal ongoing costs
· Low maintenance and repair costs, due to air, and water tight construction
· Highest air quality possible
· Constant temperature control all year round
· No reliance on external heating/cooling systems
· No impact on the overcrowded utility grid
· Healthy internal environment
· A healthy conscious, knowing that you’re doing your part to save our beautiful planet.
What you get with a standard House
· High ongoing Running costs
· Lower market values with property sales
· Higher maintenance and repairs required on buildings
· Poor indoor air quality
· Long term impact on health system due to poor health of occupants
· High reliance on artificial heating and cooling
· High reliance on utilities and straining infrastructure
D3 can provide advise on passive house design, and deliver amazing sustainable, healthy, comfortable buildings that will continue to save you running costs for years to come.